January 30, 2013


Every morning Henley eats honey flavored cheerios for breakfast. She has to have milk on them and refuses to eat them dry. Occasionally she will eat scrambled eggs or zucchini bread, but almost always has cheerios.

The other morning Lash asked if he could feed her. This made me nervous because there was milk involved...not to mention a one and a three year old! He did great!

January 24, 2013

Hair Cuts

Before...pic of kids and Daddy while doing breathing treatments.

Both of the kids needed hair cuts. Lash strongly dislikes getting a hair cut and usually screams throughout the experience and sometimes requires physical restraining.

Uncle Chet decided that Lash really needed a hair cut and made a deal with Lash...here is the story according to Chet:

When he came over after church he wanted to watch jungle book instead of the falcons game.  I said we could if he let me cut his hair afterwards.  I explained we were shaking on it (and we did) and he had to keep his end of the bargain.  We watched JG and he followed through and let me cut his hair.  He freaked out pretty horribly at first, but by the end he calmed down.  I don’t know why it terrifies him so, but it definitely does.

Here’s a play by play of a 45 second sequence…

Chet:  Calm down buddy it’s gonna be ok.
Claire:  (insert a wide variety of master jedi special education techniques)
Lash:  (in a completely calm voice)  How’s abouts only 1 more minute?

I almost threw him in the cow tank. 

After hair cut!
Thank you to Uncle Chet and Aunt Claire (and all other parties who had to witness)!

Later that evening we gave Henley a little trim and it turned out super cute!

And now our kids looked loved once again!


January 22, 2013


This morning Lash woke up early and came down into my bedroom. He was very disappointed to see that Daddy was gone already. Lash wanted to play the Kindle but I told him it was too early and he could either go back to bed or get into bed with me.

After throwing a short fit he crawled into my bed. He reached out for me so I held his hand and closed my eyes thinking that maybe he just might go back to sleep. Every minute or so I would open my eyes and there he was either looking at me or daydreaming. After 3-4 minutes I asked him "What are you thinking about?"

He looks at me with a super sweet look on his face and his squinty eyes (this the look he has right before he says "you are the greatest mom in the world"...so I had high expectations) and he said, "I'm thinking about everything...giraffes, horses, tigers, lions...."

I think that kid thinks about animals all the time. He is either playing with animals, reading about animals, pretending to be an animal...in fact, just 5 minutes ago he was pretending to be chased by a leopard. Last week we wrote down all of the animals he can identify and it was nearly 75!

On that note...here is a short video of Lash pretending to be a horse (he is watching Tangled Ever After):

January 21, 2013

Playing In The Snow

Although Lash does NOT like to be cold or wet, he does enjoy playing in the snow...or at least the idea of playing in the snow.

The snow started falling New Years Eve morning and Lash couldn't wait to put on his snowsuit and snow boots and go play in the snow with Daddy.

On New Years Day, we went to Papa and Oma's house for breakfast and we ended up leaving Lash there to play with his uncles and aunts. The ones who were not too sick took him outside in the snow. From the pictures it looks like he had a wonderful time!

January 16, 2013

Swing Set


We decided to get the kids a swing set for Christmas. Then we decided to put it together...in the cold. It took us a total of eleven hours, four of which were in temperatures below freezing with an even colder wind chill. 

Lash was so excited for it to be done so he could play on it.

January 5, 2013


I really meant to get this video posted with yesterday's post, but it just didn't happen. Here is proof that Henley Jane is now walking:

January 4, 2013


Life in our house has been yucky for the past 3-4 weeks. We have each been sick for at least part of the past month with colds and coughs. We've taken all sorts of medicine and the kids were even on breathing treatments for a short time. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel...whew!!

Christmas came and went with lots of time spent with family and friends. Lash doesn't understand why Christmas doesn't last all year long...I tried explaining but it was useless. Since watching the movie "Elf" three times this season he has been arguing quite a bit lately, "No its not...yes it is...not its not...yes it is."

Henley is walking!! She started taking a few steps around Thanksgiving and she really took off the week of Christmas, although she still crawls quite a bit because it is faster. 

Life is going to calm down a little now that the holidays are over, which means I will hopefully have more time to update the blog...right?!? :)

January 1, 2013

Henley being Henley

Several weeks ago we had a friend over for dinner. We were eating fresh fruit and found out that Henley really likes blueberries. We also found out that she preferred eating them from the spoon that our friend offered rather than from Daddy. Enjoy!