September 26, 2012

Cowboy Lash

If you asked Lash what he was going to do when he turned 3 his automatic answer was "Ride a horse!"

So, that is what we did. A good friend of our's has a couple of horses and she was kind enough to give Lash a ride. We were nervous that he would change his mind once he saw the size of the horse, but he hopped right on and rode for almost 45 minutes.

Here are some pictures documenting the memorable ride and there is a video after the last picture.

Lash is very intense.

Lash, Cowboy and Georgia posing for a picture.

Ride 'em Cowboy!

Cowboy is a big horse.

But not as big as these two Clydesdales!
After this Lash kept trying to convince us that Henley did NOT want to ride the horse again!

Cowboy and his friend Jack eating a snack.
Lash having so much fun getting to ride a horse on his 3rd birthday.

September 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Lash!

Happy birthday kiddo! You are growing up so fast! Your vocabulary is incredible and you always want to be included in every conversation.

You can be sweet with Henley Jane, but more often you are a bully (self-proclaimed). You love to run around pretending to be either a dog or a horse.

You love dinosaurs and cars and could play with them both for hours. You will stop whatever you are doing if I offer to read you a book.

You are a rock star who plays the drums and guitar and you sing the "Oh My Soul" song all day every day (at least that is how it seems). You have so much energy!! You love to be outside and you enjoy golf, baseball, basketball and football. It is hard to watch a KU football game with you because you always want to play catch.

You are quick to say you will pray for someone if they get hurt or are sick and you are working on memorizing Bible verses (you know 4 so far). You are becoming a little more of a risk taker, but you are still pretty conservative.

I will never grow tired of your hugs, kisses or hearing you say "I love you too, Mom."

I love you too, Lash!

September 19, 2012

Story time with Uncle Chet

Uncle Chet has his hands full! Keep a look out for Henley's double wink.

September 15, 2012

"Daddy is here!!"

Both of the kids always almost always run and/or crawl to the back door when Daddy gets home from work. Lash always wants to tell Daddy what he is doing or invite him to play and Henley just wants picked up.

September 13, 2012


If you have never tried homemade applesauce you definitely should! It is super easy to make and very yummy!

After realizing that we (myself and a very good friend of mine) would not be able to pick our own apples this year, we went to the Lawrence Farmers Market and bought a bushel of apples from a very nice man who happens to live just down the road from us. He struck me a deal and Clint carried our 40-45 lbs of apples to the Tahoe and off we went to get to work.

It took us (myself, Amy, my mom, and occasionally little helpers) approximately 2 hours to get all of the apples peeled, cored and sliced.

Here is part of the mess that we made:

After adding a little sugar and cooking the apples on very low heat for several hours we were able to mash into a sauce easily with a potato masher. In the end we got 40 cups of applesauce, 16 cups of sliced apples to use for apple pie, and we each kept a dozen or so apples to eat fresh.

September 7, 2012

That was fun!

As the unofficial end of summer has come and are pictures that highlight the highlights of our summer: