September 25, 2011

Lash the storyteller

Lash is quite the storyteller. It is really interesting since he says "yep" to almost any question or statement. Lash and Clint came in from outside the other evening and this is how Lash explains their adventure:

September 21, 2011

Lash turns 2!

I can't believe that Lash is turning 2. Time has flown since he was born. Part of me is thankful that he is getting older and wiser and able to communicate a little better, but I kind of miss the baby he was. He has turned into a little boy right in front of my eyes.

Here are just a couple of things that Lash does that makes me laugh:

1) When you put your drumsticks down you make sure they are perfectly lined up.
2) The other day you took my phone and had a conversation that went like this: "".
3) In the morning when I get you out of bed you ask where Dada is...I tell you that he is at work and you always break into air guitar playing!
4) When I was pregnant you would hug my belly (the baby) and offer the baby a drink by holding your sippy cup up to my belly button.

Here is a list of some of Lash's favorite things (in no particuliar order):

1) Blueberries
2) Dada and Henley
3) Music - drums and guitar
4) Sports - golf, basketball, football
5) Being outside
6) Watching family videos
7) Reading books
8) Puzzles
9) Coloring
10) Grandma's IPad
11) Jayhawks
12) Hats and sunglasses
13) Captain America aka "Lello" (our cat)

September 16, 2011

Lash loves Henley!

Lash absolutely adores his little sister! He loves her and is always wanting to give her hugs and kisses, get her the plug (aka pacifier) when she is crying, etc. Unfortunately he does not understand that he is much bigger than she is and he has a hard time being gentle with her.

The other day I asked Lash if he wanted to read to Henley and of course he did. I grabbed a book and sat he and Henley down on the couch and we read together. Here is a peak of how it went:

September 14, 2011

Henley Jane

Henley Jane was born on Sept 7...a little earlier than expected. We had a c-section scheduled for Sept 16, but she apparently was in a hurry to arrive.

We are praising God for this blessing!!

September 6, 2011


Since Lash was about 6 months old he has loved books. He enjoys being read to, but he is also content to read to himself. He almost always has a book with him when he is riding in the car and he has a collection of books in both of his play areas at home.

A week or so ago I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and I see Lash climb onto the couch. I gave him a minute or so to get comfortable and I snuck around the corner of the couch to see this:

September 2, 2011

Playing the guitar

Uncle Chip (aka Booga) has a small guitar that Lash enjoys playing when he goes to Papa and Oma's house. Lash has been known to have jam sessions with Uncle Caj (aka Djj) but on this particuliar Sunday he jammed solo: