February 12, 2012

Lash Tebowing

Grandma K and Lash were playing football in the living room. Grandma K was the center and was snapping the ball to Lash. Every time Lash would get the ball he would run and run and then say "Touchdown!" I made a comment to Lash that he was a rushing quarterback and not a passing quaterback.

Lash's uncles have introduced him to Tim Tebow, who he says is his favorite football player, so I asked Lash, "What does Tebow do?" (in reference to passing or rushing) and he immediately put his fist to his forehead...Tebowing.

 (Okay, we didn't have the camera for the initial Tebowing moment, so this is a reenactment...still hilarious!)

"Moon comes out..."

Lash wrote a song at dinner the other night and I was able to get it on video several days later. This is the second song he has written, performed and recorded, but the first on guitar. You might remember "Ahli Dane" which was his very first song and was performed on the drums.


February 9, 2012


For Lash's 1st birthday, a good friend of ours (Eemo we love you!) made Lash custom alphabet flashcards. I got these out the other day and we went through them 6 or 7 times because he kept asking to do it again.

(Please note: The flashcards have been taken away due to the not-so-educational factor.)

February 5, 2012

Guitar, bass, drums

There is a lot of air-guitar playing and air-drumming that goes on in our house. Lash has gotten kind of bossy when it comes to what instrument is played...