March 26, 2013

Wow...Time Flies!

Where have I been? I'm asking myself the same question! Time has been flying by and I can't believe that I let three weeks go by without posting!

We have been on a couple of road trips lately, which I don't have pictures of, but they were fun. The kids are growing fast and we are all anxious for SPRING.

Lash is outgrowing his 3T clothes (some, not all)...can you say growth spurt...and Henley is up to six teeth!

Here is a video of what has become our nightly routine:

March 4, 2013


Henley is finally getting more teeth! Problem is, they are emerging in a non-traditional order. Her two bottom teeth came in first back in September. We waited...and waited...and waited...and in January she finally got two more. One is a front tooth and the other is a top lateral incisor (aka fang). The front tooth that emerged almost two months ago is coming in much slower than the incisor...which causes her to have a snaggletooth.

It's hard to get a good picture of it, but you get the idea.

And here is a picture of her with her first pigtails. She changed Daddy's strong dislike for pigtails and now he might even request them.