October 17, 2011

CKB's new drummer

This morning Lash was messing with the radio in Henley's room. He suddenly ran out of the room and toward the tv saying "Dada" repeatedly. I realized that he was wanting to listen to Clint's first CD he recorded. I told Lash that we could go upstairs and watch Dada on tv.

We went upstairs and I turned on the DVD of the final CKB show. A few minutes later I realized that Lash had disappeared. I yelled his name and discovered he was on his way downstairs to get his drumsticks. After helping him, he had his drums set up in front of the tv and was playing along with CKB.

October 6, 2011

Lash sold Chet's black bass

Our dinner conversation retold by Clint (aka Dada):

After hearing "MINE!!!  MINE!!!"  way, way, way too many times from our child in a highchair.... I had a discussion with Lash.  It went very much like this:

Lash:  "Mine!!!  Mine!!!"

Dada:  So, that's yours huh?  Did you go to the store and buy it with your own money?
Lash:  ...Yup

Dada:  Where did you get the money?
Lash:  Duikar  (guitar)

Dada:  You got the money from a guitar?
Lash:  Yup

Dada:  Did you sell a guitar?
Lash:  Yup

Dada:  Whose guitar did you sell?
Lash:  Det

Dada:  You sold Chet's guitar?
Lash:  Bass

Mama:  Did you sell Chet's guitar or Bass?
Lash:  Bass

Mama:  What color was it?
Lash:  Black

Our parenting and reasoning skills quickly became ineffective at that point...  We'll keep working on him.