September 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Lash!

Happy birthday kiddo! You are growing up so fast! Your vocabulary is incredible and you always want to be included in every conversation.

You can be sweet with Henley Jane, but more often you are a bully (self-proclaimed). You love to run around pretending to be either a dog or a horse.

You love dinosaurs and cars and could play with them both for hours. You will stop whatever you are doing if I offer to read you a book.

You are a rock star who plays the drums and guitar and you sing the "Oh My Soul" song all day every day (at least that is how it seems). You have so much energy!! You love to be outside and you enjoy golf, baseball, basketball and football. It is hard to watch a KU football game with you because you always want to play catch.

You are quick to say you will pray for someone if they get hurt or are sick and you are working on memorizing Bible verses (you know 4 so far). You are becoming a little more of a risk taker, but you are still pretty conservative.

I will never grow tired of your hugs, kisses or hearing you say "I love you too, Mom."

I love you too, Lash!

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