Henley Jane you are two years old! You are such a beautiful little girl with big blue eyes and a sweet smile. Although you and "Ash" don't always get along, you are the best of friends and you miss him when he goes to preschool. You also love your Daddy and you watch for him out the window when he is outside in the yard working or when you expect him home from work.
You are a girly girl with a tractor gene. You like to have your hair done in curlers and with bows, you love to hide treasures into your purse and carry it around on your arm, and you get so excited to put on pretty dresses. You play with baby dolls and are always asking me ("Mommy") to swaddle them for you. You also play with cars, "choo choos" and tractors, and when the basketballs come out you beg for someone to lift you up to dunk the ball.
Going outside is one of your favorite things to do, especially when it includes swinging on the swing set and going down the slide. You are big helper when the garden needs picked and you will take the vegetables and put them in the bucket, although not always as gently as I would prefer.
Thank you to a friend who put the following short video together as a birthday wish for Henley:
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